A little bit about what I am studying…

I attend Arcadia University, a reputable school known for their global studies and physical therapy. I am currently working on receiving my masters in International Peace and Conflict Resolution, my time in South Korea really helped shape that perspective.


I completed my first year, and so far I have so many opinions and ideas about grad school, I’m not sure if I should speak on those feelings just quite yet, some of my thoughts are premature. I can however say that first semester was a breeze but time management was a challenge. I was working full time at a Title company and attending school full time with 3 classes. If I had to do it all over again I’m not sure I would, I missed out on a lot of things due to my obligations at work, I was very tired and most days MOODY. Second semester whooped my ass for sure. Second semester was a little different, I quit my full time job, and decided to take 4 classes while working as a graduate assistant. I worked at the library as a Inter-Library Loan assistant, it was only 6hrs a week so no biggy, plus I learned how to properly capture and search for books, articles, and excerpts. One of the many challenges for researches: WORDING. But my boss made sure to teach me that OVER &OVER!


So a brief summary of my program: International Peace and Conflict Resolution. First let me start by saying NO I don’t want to be a diplomat or work for the UN (side eye for people who ALWAYS say that to me) Second, Peace as you know it, is not what peace really is or how they taught you back in grade school where it’s this Utopia or community where everyone holds hands and loves each other. That description depicts a life that is perfect bliss. You should be wise enough to know there is no such thing as perfect. We all argue, we all have disagreements; we have conflicts with one another. The different theories of conflict and the different theories of resolutions are the basics of what I study. Then there are different tiers that fall under conflict, and resolution I fit in on the resolution side, I’m particularly specializing in sustainable development post conflict. I will definitely dig into this more in a later post when I talk about my internship.


Overall this program has helped me thus far within my professional life, and my personal life. I deal with conflict differently, I see conflict differently and my communication skills have deeply benefited. I’ve met some interesting people in my program some of whom I will definitely see later on as I develop.

Internship Graduate Style

So if you’ve followed me from the past, then you know I had been waiting to gain acceptance to a graduate program: International Peace and Conflict Resolution @ Arcadia University. Well….. round of applause. Because since we last chatted I have gained acceptance into the program, and I have officially completed my first year– ALIVE!!!!! I will definitely get more into that in another post, but for now I would like to get into a new segment I would like to introduce to the blog which is Internship Graduate Style. So I have taken a challenge…I love clothes, I have an affinity for them, and after moving to Chicago for my internship I realized I have TOO many clothes. It is so excessive it makes absolutely no sense. I mean don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having an abundance of fashionable clothes but after sooooo many– really whats the point!?

So the challenge is:

I cannot buy new clothes

I have to wear everything at least once

If there are items I don’t absolutely adore I must throw them out or if they get stained (to make room for next year of course!)

The sections will be split up into two categories:

Internship Ready!
Out-of-Office Wear

This is just a way for you to see how you can look polished, and office appropriate. Some office outfits I see are just horrendous, and it makes me wonder…



So check back often as I will be posting weekly. This is going to be a hard challenge, I love clothes.